is my next adventure...please take a peek

Monday, October 02, 2006

Anyone out there?

I am stumped, having an itch at the tip of my fingertips to write but not so clear about what to say. I have been wondering if people are reading my blogs or if I am being narcissistic for no reason at all. My friends and family read but don't comment online but send me nice little messages.

A dear friend wrote to me saying this:

"I’m checking your blogs from time to time. It sounds like you’re still falling down a rabbit hole into a strange world, in which the extremes of your endurance and emotions are tested on an hourly basis. My heart races when I read them. They are breathless and engaging. And I start missing you for all the wonderful qualities you have and bring to a friendship. But there is a beautiful logic in the fact that you now bring these qualities to the women and babies at MLL. It’s like a piece of a puzzle is falling into its place."

and so I am restored, someone is listening!

BTW that is a hedgehog, just thought it needed acknowledgment too. Isn't it cute?


Anonymous said...

Love, Brad and Ariel

jjcups said...

I've read every post on this blog. What you're doing with your life is so amazing that I'm not sure how a comment can do it justice. Greg was asking me to comment on his blog it's a reoccurring request. :)